Who we are

TRAILOKA is a travel agency dedicated to responsible tourism and eco-friendly travel. We’re passionate about helping you find trails that not only bring joy but also benefit the planet. We aim to build a community of mindful travellers who value meaningful experiences and minimize their environmental impact. From thoughtfully planned trips to eco-conscious accommodations, every detail is crafted with sustainability in mind. Our name, TRAILOKA, symbolizes our mission to connect people with trails worldwide while promoting environmental stewardship.

Our commitment to this vision is steadfast. Each trail recommendation aims to deepen the bond between travellers and destinations, fostering cultural exchange and environmental awareness. Our team shares a common goal: creating unforgettable experiences that leave a positive mark on both travellers and the places they visit. Join us on our journey to make the world a better place.

Our Vision

To make a right trail for green travelers

Our Mission

Our mission is to guide travellers towards sustainable practices, providing a magnificent, nature-friendly atmosphere, travel tips, best destinations, optimal travel times, and maps with remarkable experiences for nature lovers and adventurers 


Simple mean

Trail Oka” means “Right Way.” We suggest a correct and safe way for all travelers to make a comfortable journey. 

Advance mean

This is one of the philosophies of Lord Buddha. “TRAI” means Three, and “LOKA” means World. Our Lord Buddha understood the “Three Worlds” (Animal World, Space World, and Feel World). The existence of the world depends on these particular three worlds. All animals are engulfed with these three worlds if they are knowing or unknowing.

01 Animal World (Kama Loka, Sathwa Loka)

All alive group of animals that live in lust belongs to Kama Loka. Manushya(human beings), Divya(Gods), and Brahma Loka include in this category.

02 Space World (Rupa Loka /Awakasha Loka)

All physical things are included in this world. As an example Land, Mountains, Trees, buildings, and vehicles.

03 Feel World (Arupa Loka / Sanskara Loka)

This world belongs to Kama and Rupa World’s scene and feeling. For example happiness, anger, taste. 

If a man (Animal World)  see a Car  (Space World), his mind makes consent (Feel World) about that car.

So as a human we should try always to think and do good things according to these three world because good works always have a good return.

Top Travel Blog of 2022 awarded by twinkl
Awarded by Twinkl, New Zealand
Awarded by Twinkl, New Zealand

About Our CEO

Co-founder and CEO Suranga Jayanath

TRAILOKA’s Co-founder and CEO, Suranga Jayanath, is a Sri Lankan with a deep love for nature and a strong commitment to its preservation. His passion for environmental protection began during his school days as an active member of the scout team. The company’s inception stems from his merging of passion and hobby, with a keen interest in Information Technology and a love for worldwide travel, particularly engaging in hiking, camping, and diving adventures. Suranga holds a degree in Computer Network Engineering from London Metropolitan University and currently serves as an assistant manager at a leading telecommunications technology firm in Sri Lanka.

His vision is to create a sustainable world by offering the right trails for travellers. Suranga’s leadership at TRAILOKA prioritizes environmental conservation and innovation to promote responsible tourism, offering memorable experiences while fostering a commitment to preserving natural habitats.

Contact Us

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Travel Trailoka